Be the Expert... with TelecomTRAIN
TelecomTRAIN is a skills training company for technicians in the telecom industry. TelecomTRAIN is in the business of making Telecom experts.
We offer a wide range of courses to individuals, small groups, and companies, that need to upskill their workforce and increase their on-the-job competence and confidence. We offer various training modes to meet organizational needs and individual learning styles. We are approved and recognized by the Fiber Optic Association (FOA).
TelecomTRAIN caters to individual and company needs.
Select below to learn more:
COMPANY/ORGANIZATION: Companies struggle with training their employees consistently and effectively, TelecomTRAIN offers courses that get companies' employees up-to-speed quickly so that they start contributing sooner. Our courses are built on researched and cutting-edge teaching methods that are proven to transfer into retention and practice.
INDIVIDUAL: Whether you are a new graduate, seasoned professional, or changing careers, you are well-qualified to bridge your own skill gaps, and we can offer the resources to help with reskilling and continuously building skills throughout your career, and as you strive to keep up with the skills and work of the future.
EARN CPD CREDITS: Continuing Professional Development takes a multi-dimensional approach to long-term career development. We are a CPD provider and partnered with The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT).
FOA APPROVED COURSES: TelecomTRAIN is certified by the Fiber Optic Association, Inc. (FOA), the international professional society for fiber optics. The FOA was established to promote professionalism in fiber optics through education, certification, and standards. FOA certifications are recognized globally.
STAY UP TO DATE: Subscribe to our occasional email communication to get updated information about Professional Development Courses, Course Schedules, free work shops, and other training-related information, so you can stay ahead of the game and plan ahead.
CAREERS IN TELECOM: We created a community to connect those looking for careers and those offering careers in the Telecom industry from all aspects of the deployment lifecycle.
REGISTER FOR A COURSE: View the current training schedule and register for a course, workshop, or free webinar/event.
Additional Services
We put our team of professionals to work to build solutions that improve results, save time, relieve your budget and keep your people safe. In addition to our training programs, we also provide Consulting Services, Train The Trainer Solutions, Course Authoring, and Integration Services.
TelecomTRAIN Corporate Clients include:

Our Technology Partners

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
We are recognized and endorsed as a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) course provider

Since 2002, we've accomplished:
Our passion is in motivating and helping others improve themselves and their careers through providing learning experiences that help build confidence and competence..
Helped develop new graduate programs
Assisted in defining the Ministry curricular requirements for Wireless Telecommunications education
Trained over 1500 telecom technicians with a focus on the hands-on implementation of systems
Building telecom best practices based on the input from industry advisory boards
Consulting with companies on the development of their fiber, Wi-Fi and 5G products and implemented end-to-end communications systems from planning, installation, commissioning, and testing the performance
Developing countless online, and in-person hands-on training programs and customized workshops in fiber, copper, microwave and RF, networking and 5G
In demand as a conference speaker and clocked more than 100 HRS covering topics such as 5G, Fiber etc.

Great courses for beginners
Meet Our Team

Kevin Ramdas Ph.D.

Peter Schweiger