3-DAY Certified Fiber-Optic Technician Program

The CFOT course is designed for anyone interested in becoming a Certified Fiber Optics Technician or who needs to understand or use fiber optic technology within the job. CFOTs have a broad knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) in fiber optics that can be applied to almost any job - design, installation, operation – and for almost any application using fiber optic communications.


Date: Nov 5-7 2024

Time: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Location:  Missiaauga (More Dates Avail)

Price: $1,999 + HST CAD

Intended For:

  • Those already working in or just getting started in fiber optics
  • Designers, contractors, and installers of fiber optic cable plants
  • Users of fiber optic cable plants and communications systems involved in designing and managing networks
  • May be used in order to get some jobs, higher wages, distinguish yourself from the competition


  • Novice - wanting to know about fiber optics
  • Technician - enhancing their knowledge, preparing for FOA CFOT exam
  • CFOT (review) - enhancing and updating their knowledge

Learning Outcomes:

  • Get an industry-wide FOA Certified Fiber Optics Technician CFOT designation
  • Identify fiber, cable and connectors used in fiber optic systems
  • Splice and connect fiber
  • Test optical networks using power meters, OTDRs
  • Establish appropriate processes for dealing with fiber networks
  • Effectively and efficiently install, terminate, and test multi-mode or single-mode fiber optic networks to existing standards
  • Document a fiber network

Course Assessment: 

Along with chapter tests, class discussions, and substantial hands-on activities, the CFOT exam is given and graded at the end of the class. Students will receive a Certificate of Completion upon successful completion of the program.

Critical Success Factors:

The key to success in fiber optics, as in any field, is staying ahead of the competition, and that means continuing to build your skill set with additional training and certifications.

 We are committed to leading the industry and providing training that sets the standard for other schools to follow.  We were one of the first programs to offer fiber optic training, and we remain committed to excellence, quality education, and yours success.

Successful completion will lead to certification by the Fiber Optic Association as a Certified Fiber Optic Technician (CFOT).

TelecomTRAIN is approved and recognized by The Fiber Optic Association(FOA). 


  • Certification

    The recognition of being certified helps you find jobs or get contracts to do work. The certification is a seal that you are able to do the job.

  • Well-trained = faster issue resolution

    Your technicians will solve problems before they even happen. They will be able to identify the tools that they require to get the job done correctly, the first time.

  • Hands-on skills

    Every graduate will practice their skills on real components and equipment. You wouldn’t want to fly with a pilot who learned to fly a plane from textbooks!

  • Abundant job opportunities

    Start off as a fiber installer, splicer or technician; you can work towards specialization in testing, splicing and working in different environments. You’ll be well-trained to handle what comes next.

  • Flexible delivery - in-class or online, on your site or our site

    Training can be online at your pace, accelerated at our site, or even the training can come to you.

  • Be a part of the FOA community

    Becoming FOA-certified opens you a 40000 person community of fiber specialists all over the world that you can discuss-fiber related issues and keep up-to-date with the latest developments in fiber technology.

Make The Decision To Train With Us

We will organize and take care of the rest

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